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Life as Average Jane
Average girl, average days
self centered me
Published on June 14, 2004 By
Well, the first article I posted about love recieved some interesting comments. I was in a very strange state the day I wrote it and I guess I really didn't expect anyone to read it, much less respond to it considering it was first post.
I'd like to go back and introduce myself.
My name is Serena. I'm in my 20's. Majoring in Physical Anthropology and obtaining my certificate in Archeaology. UW Madison. I have 4 cats and a betta.
As far as politics go, I vote for whoever has the students and the young families interests at heart. We are the future and deserve a fair chance. Fuck the rich people (until I'm rich that is lol)!
Religion is a matter of personal choice. Two people from the same congregation will not have the same view. Two people in general will never have the same view. I do however get upset, when certain Christian groups only worship Jesus Christ. There is a holy Trinity and you must acknowledge all three. You can't worship Jesus Christ without acknowledging God.
Personally, I believe God is a term that describes all humans fear and don't know. Something is only religion or a myth until Science says otherwise. As I mentioned I am a anthropology major. Evolution does exist and is now it's own branch in science. Evolution means roughly a time change continum. It does mean humans are monkeys and why do people ask that stupid question. If humans came from monkey, why do we still have monkeys? Such a stupid question!!! Did you not pay attention in Biology or Chemistry?? If that was the way evolution worked we would have no fossils or variations among the species. What's so wrong with being a naked ape? I'm not offended. They are a gentle species. Far more so than we are. Anyway, I'm going on and on.
Sex? Yeah sex is great. Being in a healthy sexual relationship with somone you love is the most amazing thing ever. You learn to give and recieve. and maybe get a little freaky
Money sucks. I don't make enough--so i hate it. If I had it, I'm sure I wouldn't know what to do with it. All I ask is for my bills to be paid on time!!! I mean really, is that too much to ask???
as far as philosophy goes, I do exist because I am self aware and am consciencous of my actions and i do feel pain. If i didn't exist my actions would have no consequences.
My job is great, but i work for a temp agency. I make decent money, but it's not steady.
I have a 2 and half year old little boy. He's the smartest, sweetest, cutest, sassiest, naughtiest little boy!!! I love him to death!
I was married for 3 years and am currently getting divorced. Court date is this Friday. See Love posting for details. I didn't explain a lot of things though and it came out sounding pretty Jerry Springer.
Well, I've spent all day at work here writing blogs.. quite addicting. Last time I got addicted to something on the computer it was playing the Sims. YIKES!!!
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