I've been shot back to the 80's by a man I'm madly in love with. Crazy, crazy ride!
4321 earth below us
drifting falling
floating weightless
My local world has been flooded, and next Friday I lose my job-so I write to the world.
I'm not that special in the grand scheme things. Charisma doesn't mean much when you're a girl and either does brains. I was a temp here and worked my ass off. My job was given to a prissy girl who wears makeup and way too much perfume. She probably doesn't even know how to use a computer...
Yes, I'm bitter damn it, and fuck you too. It's not that I'm ugly or anything cause I'm not. I'm just not "high maintenence" pretty. I don't get my nails done, I wear minimal makeup and I don't care about expensive jewerly. I hate "pretty" girls. They don't know anything about guys or what guys want, but they're the ones guys want. They just want to be fucked and fuck someone over. Maybe their actually jealous of me cause I have a brain--hard to believe since I'm writing a blog. Some blogs are very interesting.
I have constant days where I want to repeatedly rip off my skin. Make someone eat it and like it. I'm sadistic and sarcastic and I really don't care who knows, although to meet me you would think so.