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Life as Average Jane
Average girl, average days
Kitty Kats
Published on June 14, 2004 By
Pets & Nature
Kitty Kats are great
except when they're in heat
Meow, meow, meow
scratching at the back door
Can't afford to get her spade
can't afford more kitties to be made
Human society will just kill her
Oh decisions!
Yeah, don't get pets unless you plan on getting them spade. I got stuck with 2 female cats actually, from my marriage. Ex hubby promised he would take the girls when he left and some how they're still with me
I don't want to give them away because my cats are like my kids. you don't give away your 16 year old daughter when she gets knocked up, well some do.
I had an iguana once. The make wonderful pets! Don't get one though unless you have nothing to do on your free time except take care of it. They are very sensitive creatures and take a lot of time and energy. They don't move well. They live forever so it is a life commitment. And finding a vet for them?? Next to impossible. At least in Wisconsin. There's only 1 vet in the whole state that can take care of iguanas.
Hermit crabs are alright too, but they die pretty quickly. They need the real ocean, not the 10 gallon size. They don't like pop corn either. Everyone feeds them pop corn. They need shells to move into. They are rather picky.
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